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    The Inner Workings of a Sound Addict

    Just posting the noteworthy dreams, you don't care about the rest.

    1. Killing Foxes, Call of Duty Style

      by , 01-04-2013 at 02:37 AM (The Inner Workings of a Sound Addict)
      Shooting Foxes From The Window (Non-lucid)


      My vividness is already showing signs of improvement from coming back to DV, and this dream was slightly more interesting than the last. As far as I can remember these are two parts of the same dream, though they seem pretty unrelated.

      I'm in the garden of a random uni house with some guys that used to be in the school year above me, though I have no idea why. I immediately remember potentially having uni work to do for the next day, and start to panic.

      I run inside, but head straight for the Xbox, on which I play some kind of RPG, under the impression I need to get a certain amount of story finished before I can do anything else with my day. I let me my dog join me on the sofa, which is normally strictly forbidden at home.

      I unlock a bonus scene in the game, and people come in wanting to watch it. I finally decide I don't have the time, knowing watching it will only lead to more things to captivate me into playing longer.

      Luckily, I realise tomorrow is Sunday and I wake up briefly.

      I'm later defending the house from foxes, in a similar fashion to Call of Duty's zombie mode (which I recently played for the first time with my cousin).

      I pick up a double-barrelled rifle and kill one instantly from a window, at a pretty respectable distance.

      I head to the next window, slightly more complacent now, but miss a fair few times from not aiming properly.

      The third window overlooks a darkened room, and before I have time to aim, the fox inside jumps up at me, forcing me to kill it with my knife.

      Updated 01-04-2013 at 02:01 PM by 52203

      Tags: uni, video game
    2. Stealing Jaffa Cakes

      by , 09-03-2012 at 05:01 PM (The Inner Workings of a Sound Addict)
      Stealing Jaffa Cakes (DILD)


      My 4th lucid, and my second in the space of a week! That's what I call progress. Still relatively brief, but definitely more vivid.

      I'm either homeless or just poor, and I'm starving. It's early in the morning and I enter a shop in search of some cheap food. It's so early, however, that the shelves are still empty and the owner is nowhere to be seen.

      Sitting in front of me, though, is a plate of chocolate biscuits and jaffa cakes which are free for paying customers. Looking around, I decide to just take them all and walk out the shop.

      As I leave, I just about make out an announcement over the music coming from my headphones. I decide it doesn't concern me, but I take my headphones off just in case another one comes.

      'You're only allowed one! You're only allowed one!' screams a second announcement, and I run, realising they've caught me stealing.

      Looking behind me, I see four attack dogs close on my tail. I jump over various obstacles to try and escape, but the dogs follow in kind. Like many of my dreams, I can't run very fast, despite my efforts [my first hint at this being a dream], but I look back again and notice the dogs are bounding like rabbits rather than running like dogs.

      This is all the proof I need, I'm dreaming. I ascend effortlessly into the air, taking in the imaginary landscape I've subconsciously created.

      I get high enough to see that I'm on an island, and the higher I get, the more the landscape resembles a minimap from video game, with icons appearing over each building indicating their function.

      I'm then reminded of what I'd read on DV earlier that week, about a DV user flying up through space. I give it a go, seeing how high I can reach, but before long I reach the Earth's atmosphere, and I start to get a bit nervous. I decide to save this for another night.
      memorable , lucid
    3. Saints Row Driving, General Flirting and the Unanswerable Maths Question

      by , 04-16-2012 at 04:22 PM (The Inner Workings of a Sound Addict)
      My first night after trying out vitamin B6, though I think I took it at the wrong time, at about 8pm, at least 5 hours before I actually went to bed. Seems like it worked pretty well though, as I remembered 3 dreams pretty clearly. The first was exceptionally vivid.


      VITAMIN B6

      I'm sitting in someone's uni kitchen, with a large group of friends, all with covers watching a film and talking. A girl a few flats from me comes in, and I offer her the space next to me on the sofa, as I've started to like her quite a bit.

      Within minutes, she starts to touch my leg at exactly the same time as I start to touch hers. She starts to talk about seeing people she 'likes' in dreams, though whispering the majority to me. For some reason, I tell her I don't see people I like in my dreams because they intimidate me...


      I'm playing Saints Row 2 in first person, driving relatively safely with a flatmate of mine, on the way to a mission. He mocks my driving to which I reply

      "Just in case we get a driving level, I like this car"
      "Do you?" he asks

      In the heat of the discussion, I accidentally drive into an activity activator
      [which fans of the game will know stops the car dead]. Unlikely in the game, however, this causes me to shoot through the windscreen. Unharmed, but disgruntled, I get back in the car, shouting

      "Why the fuck does it do that?!"

      As part of the activity, we gain one star of police notoriety, and helicopters arrive. I can't be bothered with this right now, so I exit the activity from a drop-down menu that appears in front of me.

      We set off, now driving a Bear, but a bug causes a rogue police car to chase and shoot a nearby innocent driver. More cars get involved, and we all drive through a rocky tunnel to a dead end. I get out, letting the police and innocent drivers sort it out between themselves.

      I proceed to slip through a crack in the wall to the starts of the mission, where I find a gangster with a shit-load of futuristic equipment. A woman asks me if I've just come from Guildford
      [a town near where I live] like most of the other people here, for a girls birthday. A girl named Georgie C. My blood boils at hearing that name, and it takes all the strength I have to ask the woman how she knows her [checking they're not related or friends] before I describe how much I loathe that girl. She's a bitch basically, and gave my sister a really hard time a few years ago.


      I'm given a few questions on paper, which turn into a huge maths problem. I start to write out all the information given so that I can try to solve it, but it soon begins to seem like it's unanswerable.

      "Fuck that!" I think, and turn over in bed, ending the dream.
    4. Unsafe Rollercoasters and Delivering Cakes to Rappers

      by , 01-16-2012 at 05:08 PM (The Inner Workings of a Sound Addict)
      Ok so my dream last night was pretty much all over the place, and I'm sure the following structure is artificial due to my mind's desire to make the story more followable, but you get the picture this way at least.
      As far as I can remember, the dream starts with my family having just come into some money to take us out of our life-long debt (which we do not have IRL), of which my dad wastes on something extravagant [in some sort of Family Guy manner]. Angry with him, we all get into a rusty old car and set off.

      Our journey takes us to a rollercoaster-shaped path - throwing us up into the air over every hill. The car disappears without us noticing, and I realise the small cart I'm sitting on (now detached from the rest of my family) is rather unstable! I put all my effort into keeping it stable, but I'm more concerned about my more less-well-balanced family, particularly at the speeds we're all going.

      We all make it safely to a platform in the water (apart from my mum, who had to swim the last bit) which features a set of bungee ropes and two body straps. In my mind I know I've done this before, and that it catapults you across the body of water to another rollercoaster, yet there if you don't strap yourself in fast enough, you risk serious injury. I barely save my sister as she slowly attempts to go first. The ropes snap off violently into the distance and we wait for the next set to arrive.

      The rollercoasters then appear to be a video game, and we're all back in my front room back home, with the addition of my cousins and aunt. I get a brief glimpse that this is an Adventure Time video game, seeing Finn and Jake, while also finding out the aim is to deliver an extremely sugary cake to a group of rappers (given to me by P Diddy himself -
      I don't even like his music). My sister and spoilt cousin try the game but do not even reach the rollercoaster level, so I offer to try. My aunt gets stressed and says my cousin has another go (rather unfairly, yet I go along with it as the elder) before she breaks down into tears, claiming she doesn't want another go! A tense family feud ensues, and I unfortunately never get the chance to deliver the cake to those disappointed rappers

      Updated 02-15-2012 at 09:43 PM by 52203

      non-lucid , memorable
    5. Retrospective look from day 1

      by , 01-11-2012 at 04:52 PM (The Inner Workings of a Sound Addict)
      I started my bed-side dream journal about a week ago, so, this being my first entry, I'll just lump them all together seeing as they're not long or very detailed.
      1. I was looking at a random selection of friends' photos on my Facebook with my sister (who knows none of them), including a friend from the flat below me in my uni accommodation who got his bicep tattoo at the same time I got my first on my back. I'm pretty sure I was comparing the two to my sister (who is the only person in my family that knows about mine, may it long stay that way).

      2. All I remember was that I was in a larger-scale version of the pool in which I used to work as a lifeguard, and was later fired from.

      3. I was playing my first match back for my old rugby team, Teddington, and my first tackle was a fairly weak one - which is unusual for me, as flooring people is my favourite part of the game. The best kicker on the team later attempted to punt the ball down the pitch, but missed it completely - not sure of the relevance to be honest.

      Later, however, was the stranger part. I was in the changing room, getting my wallet and phone from my bag in order to give it to my dad for safe keeping, as he often comes to watch matches. However I bumped into my friend's parents on the way, as well as his older sister, who was naked apart from a towel around her chest. When I proceeded to give my phone to my dad (I'd left the wallet for some reason), I attempted to put my contact lenses in, only to find I was putting them in over an existing pair, to great discomfort.

      In an adult house party somewhere greatly resembling the house I spent Christmas in, I was trying to pry a dog's rope toy from a cat. However, the cat made high-pitched barking sounds and despite putting all my effort into it, I could not get the rope out of its grip.

      I was later shirtless in the kitchen, where I had to tell my mum to look at something (that I made up) in the other direction, so that I could slip past without her seeing my tattoo.

      I was in an abandoned changing room (may also have been a bath house, given the steam) with my aunt and two younger cousins. I was playing various games with them, the most vivid being simply sliding around on the tile floor in socks.
      The Red Hot Chili Peppers were onstage without a singer, so me and my friend from my music course stepped from backstage to cover. We both forgot most of the words initially (in the same way as a drunken karaoke night), but I eventually got very enthusiastic and began singing in more of a hardcore punk manner, jumping and flipping on stage like Frank Carter (Gallows) or a similar frontman. I spotted my family in the crowd, who found it silly, despite the crowd's enthusiastic reception.
      Sadly, nothing.
      My first other-worldly dream, in what I assume was an Elder Scrolls environment. Somehow I was looking at a town in two perspectives: both before and after it had been partially destroyed and rebuilt. I.e. I could see two versions of the town at the same time. It vaguely resembled Skyrim's Solitude, in that it was long-shaped and up-hill, maybe ending at a cliff at the far end (though I didn't venture that far).

      Near the base of the hill was Umbacano Manor (though nothing like that of Cyrodill), with a large courtyard. I talked to various bodyguards (in the fashion I normally do in-game before talking to the most important person last), and then got to Umbacano himself. He offered to upgrade my spells and teach me new ones, before I realised I couldn't learn them (I don't tend to play magic characters) and so ended my dream.

      Nothing again, unfortunately.

      Updated 03-31-2012 at 07:39 PM by 52203

      non-lucid , dream fragment